Florida CDR Training

Florida requires Designated Representatives working at drug & device wholesalers be trained in specific Florida pharmacy laws. Applicants must pass the official state examination in order to become a Florida Certified Designated Representative (CDR). Refer to Florida’s CDR candidate information booklet (CIB) for details. The state exam covers a lot of material, so most CDR candidates benefit from studying, and exam preparation.

All prescription drug wholesale distributors must designate one person as the designated representative for a given facility. This person must have an active CDR certification from the Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation (DBPR).

In order to become certified, all application materials & fees must be submitted, and you must receive a passing score on an exam given by the Department. This exam covers federal laws governing prescription drug distribution, and ss. 499.001 – 499.79, F.S. Additionally, the exam covers the rules adopted by the Department governing wholesale prescription drug distribution. An application is not complete until the applicant receives a passing CDR exam score.

The Department publishes a Candidate Information Booklet (CIB) designed to introduce computer based testing, and provide candidate information for the exam. In addition, the DBPR uses the services of Pearson VUE to schedule, administer, score, and report the results for computer testing. Caution – There are old versions of the candidate information booklet (CIB) on the internet. Therefore, make sure you’re referencing the most current version.

Our collaboration partner CDR Resource Center, offers Florida Certified Designated Representative (CDR) online training, examination preparation, and consulting. Therefore, they are your one-stop shop for all things CDR!

The CDR Resource Center Training Solution

The following are snippets from the CDR Resource Center website.

There’s a need for prescription drug wholesale distributor permittees to have access to a resource that can provide quick and accurate responses to complicated questions. Especially questions about drug regulation & distribution in and into the state of Florida.

CDR Resource Center offers the following Florida Certified Designated Representative (CDR) training solutions:

  • Online Florida Certified Designated Representative Training Course
    We will get you prepared! In other words, use our fully automated system that also simulates the extremely difficult state of Florida Certified Designated Representative (CDR) examination. Click here to enroll in a course.
  • Live WebEx Florida Certified Designated Representative Training Course
    Your consultant hosts an 8-hour live Webex. In addition, it includes everything you need to know to pass the Florida Certified Designated Representative Official State Exam. Furthermore, this class includes all the course material, a pre-test, a post-test, and a Q&A session. Click here to register for a course.
  • Custom Certified Designated Representative Training Consults
    We can offer a high-level refresher of the Florida laws & rules. Similarly, this refresher updates your staff, or answers any questions you may have about the Florida Certified Designated Representative Official Exam. In addition, this can be presented as live online 1-to-1 consultations, or group Q&A sessions. Click here to sign up for custom sessions.
  • Online Compliance Courses
    We offer several choices to our clients to help them master important compliance areas in their facilities. Courses cover preparing for a Florida Department of Business & Professional Regulation (DBPR) inspection, policy & procedure drafting for state compliance, DEA audits, and more. Click here to enroll in a course.
  • Online Store
    Find the most up to date materials that complement our general courses. Click here to order your materials now.

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