The leader in compliance training!

SkillsPlus International Inc., was incorporated in 1991. We offer training services to pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers, California Designated Representatives, and California Home Medical Device Retailers and Exemptees.
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What Clients Say About SkillsPlus International Inc. Training!

Importantly, our courses are highly recommended! In other words, our students and clients praise the easy-to-follow design. Additionally, they also enjoy the engaging delivery of the course material.
Wholesaler: “I thought I knew all the regulations, but going through this class I actually learned a lot.”
3PL: “I was expecting a boring read-the-page program, but Allan and Jennifer really make the rules easy to understand.”
Reverse Distributor: “I’ve taken a lot of these kinds of classes over the years, and there have been many. This is clearly the best class I’ve ever taken, and it is great that it is online.